Monday, January 13, 2020

Yarn Bombing

Yarn Bombing at 36 weeks pregnant. On Sunday we finally did it. I have been begging Ben to yarn bomb my pregnant belly since day one of getting pregnant. I couldn't wait to be big enough to be able to do it. We used sticky spray glue on the yarn and it worked so perfect. This took about an hour to do. We cut up each piece of yarn so I could incorporate every color here. I love it. I haven't seen ANYONE do this. If you have please send my way. I have looked everywhere. I love it. Today I had another ultrasound and Ryder is low, her head is ready to come out. I pray she comes in February and no earlier though. I want a Feb baby! Ben's Birthday is the 20th of Jan and my moms is the 15th and Ben's sister is Jan 31st. Too many January Birthdays. 
I hope you love my yarn bomb look. 