Monday, July 7, 2014

Nothing is planned

Jacket : Burning Torch
Dress: Vintage
Photos by Lorie Wheeler

These are some shots I did with Lorie the other day. This dress is vintage and I've had it a while, hidden away in my clothing box. This month is about to get insane for me. I am working on my app which is about to launch at the end of this month. I am super excited and super stressed out. I can't wait to have it out and ready for everyone to use. I really want to revolutionize the fashion industry and connect everyone in that world on one social media platform. I feel like nothing does this and everything out there is super cluttered. I am creating this Social Networking App with the love of fashion in mind, not money. My competitors do it for the money and try to make money off of the bloggers. It's actually quit hilarious how all of those bloggers just play into that world. They are all being taken advantage of. If you get on my app and tag your clothes you get a cut out of anything anyone buys. YOU get the cut, not me. I am beyond excited for my launch of this and my world tour. I am planning a huge launch party at a mansion in Hollywood as well as a US tour and world tour with brands and bloggers. This will probably be the biggest collaboration to ever be done.  Love you all very much and looking forward to meeting each and every one of you. xoxox