Sunday, July 13, 2014

Fancy Footwork

Photos by Amanda Faye

I love these photos so much. Amanda is an incredible photographer. We went out to Franklin Canyon again and shot these incredible shots. I love this big hat from Free People mixed with my adorable Forever 21 peter pan collar plaid dress. I felt like the whole outfit was a mixture of modern day style and vintage style. I really loved these photos and this entire look. 
I am working on my app all week long. It's all coming along quit nicely. I think you will all love it so much!! For now get onto my web app and sign up. My friends are getting work with designers by being on there because everyones seeing them on the feed when they check it out. This makes it all worth it, helping the little bloggers out there rise up. My friend only has 3,000 followers and she's getting a ton of offers. Sign up today