Tuesday, May 13, 2014

300th Post!!

WOW!!! I just saw this is my 300th post! I just started blogging almost a year ago and so much has happened and keeps happening. So much amazing positive beautiful things have been coming my way. I am so very blessed and I love all of you so very much and appreciate the love and support. I just went to Sophia Amoruso's talk last night at Barnes and Noble at the Grove and it blew my mind. I adore and love her for SO MANY reasons! She is the smartest business woman to date. I love how she called her company a Tech Company. I love her great appreciation for the tech world, because I am madly obsessed with social media and technology. As most of you know I am developing an App for the fashion world. More to come with that, keep checking back.
Skirt: Kaleidoscope Dream Mini Skirt
Hat: Forever 21
Shoes:  LATIGO DNA footwear
Belt: from Redlight Pr