Friday, February 14, 2014


Today is my favorite holiday EVER!! Even more than Christmas or Halloween. I live for Valentines day ever since I was a kid. Every single year except this year I normally take Valentines Day photos of everyone I know. I am beyond obsessed with this holiday. Even when I was alone for 2 years I still loved it so much. My dog was always my main Valentine! I love this holiday!!!!! I woke up early and got all dressed up to do this shoot. I know everyone probably thinks I am insane. I LOVE IT! My shirt has my dog drawn on it, drawing by Krocky Meshkin. My heart headband was handmade by me last night before I went to bed. My Barbie Dolls Satan ring is by Jenny and Jimbob, I went to their amazing party last night at their store in North Hollywood. I also am wearing a doll hand by them and a clothing measuring tape necklace. My bracelet is from, COMING SOON. My cat knee high socks are also from coming soon. My skirt is from when I was 17 years old! Still fits!
Love you all
Skirt: Vintage
Top: American Apparel, drawing by Krocky Meshkin
Barbie Ring and Necklaces:
Cat socks and Bracelet: COMING SOON
Headband: BY ME! I can make you one if you want! Email me
Boots: Prada
Dog: Bon Bon Roiland