Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Gypsy 05 Valentines Day !

These photos were all taken today by the amazing Taylor Bayouth. You can see more of his photography at . We had a blast running around China town taking these incredible photos. Ben is so photogenic and looks incredible in every single shot.  We are modeling all of Gypsy 05 in these photos. My jacket is by Tart Collections. We love the fact that all of Gypsy 05 is hand dyed and made right here in Los Angeles. My dress is gorgeous and so comfortable, 100% silk. Ben's pants and shirt are also Gypsy 05 and very comfortable, plus hand dyed. We love this brand so much so we were more than happy to do a fun Valentines Day shoot modeling their clothes.
Dress: Gypsy 05
Jacket: Tart Collections
Wedges: Cynthia Vincent

Shirt and pants: Gypsy 05
Shoes: Handmade Converse, designed by Ben.