Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I LOVE YOU TIMES INFINITY. Nothing in the entire universe can compare to how I feel about you.

I found my soul mate, my everything. He was the one I had been praying for my entire life. Not only is he gorgeous on the outside but he is gorgeous on the inside too. He also makes puppets and animatronics!!!! We make our own jewelry line together out of forks and spoons called A Tiny Touch.
He makes me stuff all the time. He made me a handmade Doggy nose ring out of a block of brass. He is seriously everything to me. We went to burning man together this past year and he hand sewed me into my princess dress. Yes ladies he sews too. I am grateful every single day that I found him. AND YES it was when I least expected to meet anyone and I was in a bad mood that day. We met on set of a Foster Farms commercial, I was an extra and he was helping with the chicken puppets. AHHHHHH. Dreams do come true!! Everyone keep your heads up and Smile it will come when you least expect!!

Photos by Yuna Leonard... No they are not engagement photos!