Sweet Beginnings

These were taken tonight by my lovely boyfriend Ben. We recently started our own jewelry line called A Tiny Touch!! We make jewelry out of vintage spoons and forks! 15% of our sales will go to a charity called LUCKY puppy rescue. We love animals so if we can create amazing things and sell them and send money to a charity, then we will be beyond happy.
The dress I am wearing is from www.ShopAkira.com !! This site is incredible ! They sell the most amazing things.
My bracelet is two forks by A TINY TOUCH designs by me and my boyfriend Ben Bayouth!
Stay tuned for way more!!
All of our stuff is made with 100% love... cause we are in love <3

For more information on A Tiny Touch jewelry check out www.atinytouch.blogspot.com 
Bracelet : Fork it by A Tiny Touch